

ホームページ>観光ガイド> チケット

嵩山の風景区 Ticket Price

Ticket prices and opening hours are for reference only. In case of special circumstances, please use the opening time and ticket price at that time.

観光地区の名称 チケット価格 交通
Shaolin Temple 100 yuan Shaolin Temple, Pagoda Forest, Sanhuang Village, Zen Temple Dengfeng West bus station 購入チケット
Yongtai Temple 60 yuan 購入チケット
Zhongyue Temple 30 yuan Take bus No. 2 to Zhongyue Temple 購入チケット
Luya Waterfall 50 yuan 購入チケット
Observatory 40 yuan Free
Songyang Academy 30 yuan Take bus No. 2 to Songyang Academy 購入チケット
Mount Taishi 50 yuan Songyang Academyis not included 購入チケット
Lianhua Temple 30 yuan 購入チケット
Huishan Temple 40 yuan 購入チケット

Remarks: Ticket prices and opening hours are for reference only. In case of special circumstances, please use the opening time and ticket price at that time.